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Lettuce is “over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon”

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    Lettuce is “over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon”

    I don't care about so called "green house gases", but any story saying bacon is better than lettuce, deserves repeating.

    [URL=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/vegetarian-diet-bad-for-environment-meat-study-lettuce-three-times-worse-emissions-bacon-a6773671.html]Bacon is Better[/URL]

    Great story.


      I love the fact that it shows - ' the rest of the story' so to speak.
      There is a flip side to everything - climate change, markets, upov91 - everything... It just comes down to who pushed their agenda more effectively .


        How do legumes stack up in "emissions" compared to other foods. LOL.

        On a food note. Ate 4 pieces of bacon today in home made style egg mcmuffins. Made of english muffins, eggs, cheese slice and of course, bacon. Don't feel real well anymore after eating bacon. The older I get it seems the less tolerance I have for certain processed foods. "Peanut butter cups" just about kill me...too much sugar and likely "processed oils". Potatoe chips should be consumed in moderation but I'm a "chipoholic".....can't stop at one. Best not to have them around! We all know the "preservative" qualities of salt, I'd be willing to bet high sugar levels prevent growths of certain organisms when the sugar is present in high enough concentrations.

        I used to consume a lot of sugar....can't do it anymore...getting old and so is my metabolism, not burning it like I used to, lazy. Still get cravings for the salt and sugar though.

        Eat, drink and be merry, the festive season is here. Christmas parties and family gatherings....all rules out the window!


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